Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Afghanistan Soccer Ball Project

Big thanks to everyone who participated in the Afghanistan Soccer Ball Project that we did over the summer. Great thanks to Doug Cook and all the Rotarians of the Collegeville Rotary Club who boxed and shipped the balls to Helmand Province for distribution to local Afghan kids. Large packages tend to miss their destination (usually because they are stolen) so we appreciate all of your hard work in sending the balls in a series of smaller parcels to be sure they made it to their destination.

Big thanks also to Steve Roper and U.K. Elite Soccer Training Camps ( for donating the soccer balls that are now in the hands of local Afghan kids who received them as a gesture of good will from a unit of the U.S. Marines.

And a special thanks to Lieutenant Corporal Billy Holdsworth and his unit of Marines who distributed the balls. The KICKS Project is a non-partisian, secular organization that does not have an opinion nor comment on issues of political or religious nature. However, no matter what your views are on the war we must stop and give thanks this holiday season to our troops who risk their lives on a daily basis in order to retain our freedoms and secure the safety of our citizens. Thank you LtCpl Holdsworth and all of the other men & women serving in the armed forces today, tomorrow and yesterday. Your sacrifice is well appreciated.

Happy Holidays to everyone!
The KICKS Project

Photos from Afghanistan Soccer Give