The Kicks Project
“Empowering Children to Become Leaders in their Community.”
Kicks Projects in the past:
Trinidad 2009
Our team of seven, self-funded volunteers traveled to the slums and orphanages of Trinidad’s capital city, Port of Spain, to distribute scores of soccer balls and children’s clothing, penetrating deep within the forgotten communities at the edge of town.
The impact was not limited to the community alone; many team members who have never been subject to such poverty were left emotionally changed. The byproduct of K.I.C.K.S. is that American volunteers are exposed to life-altering experiences that they’ll carry with them throughout their lives and hopefully draw upon to become leaders in their community in years to come.
Brazil 2008
Our team of four traveled to Brazil on the sponsorship of Rotary International through a grant program called “Global Study Exchange” to distribute mosquito nets and deliver instruction on avoidance of mosquito-borne diseases like malaria and dengue fever to families in need in the Amazon region of Brazil.
We also drove into “Os Projetos”, or The Projects, to distribute 50 pounds of life essentials (food, school supplies, shoes and clothing) to the children of the community, as well as a number of soccer balls with tiny American flags embroidered upon them designed to create good will between our peoples.