Thursday, January 12, 2012


As many of you know, I have temporarily moved The KICKS Project to Penn State in order to pursue a degree in International Affairs so that I may grow KICKS into an international endeavor, helping children in need not only in developing countries, but also linking these communities to American schools in order to foster ideas of exchange and a sense of global community at a young age.

A lot has happened in the past year to bring us closer to that goal.

KICKS has collaborated with the PSU Africa Think Tank (of which I am a member) in order to brainstorm ideas for solutions to specific African needs. However our scope is not just limited to sub-Saharan Africa. We are also partnering with a number of clubs on campus in order to disseminate our message across different disciplines such as Engineers Without Borders, Invisible Children and PAWS of Friendship. We are confident that these connections will be fruitful in years to come.

In addition to international projects, we also believe in strong community involvement at the local level in order to give back to the neighborhoods that support us, as well as create opportunities for local American children to find ways to improve their own communities. I know that many of you out there are teachers in Philadelphia & Bucks County districts – I implore you to get in touch with me directly to see how we may partner in the future by giving presentations in the classroom and suggesting ideas for youth involvement in the community (

As KICKS PSU grows, so too will our ability to network, recruit volunteers, post regular updates to Facebook and Twitter, and create a soccer-based curriculum to encourage youth involvement. So please check back regularly to see what we are up to and how you can get involved.